learn to heal, and be healed.

Your Teacher

il'il Sat Prem

Healer and Teacher, practitioner of Chinese Medicine and KRI certified Kundalini Yoga Teacher and Teacher Trainer - il’il is the founder of Healing in The Flow. She’s been teaching for over 20 years, sharing ancient healing wisdom with her students and clients worldwide. Her specialty is Applied Silence - a revolutionary approach to meditation that brings spirituality and interconnectedness to practical use in healthcare. She strongly believes that we are all healers, and that by prioritizing our own spiritual journey we are not only fulfilling our birthright - we are becoming the healers that our world needs. Born in Tel Aviv, lived and worked in NYC: il’il currently resides in Berlin Germany with her sweet little daughter Agam - but they both dream of hills and green meadows.

What students say:

  • “Your words echo and are like seeds that grow in my daily life. The space you create is vast, peaceful and deep, and I am able to dive into my own silence with ease. Thank you for showing me the way into my inner silence!” Yvonne Wicke, Dancer & Physiotherapist, Hannover

  • “The world needs more teachers like il'il. I was instantly drawn to her groundedness, the care with which she taught, her depth of knowledge and her sense of humor.” Vanessa Muñoz-Pretzell, co-founder of VIVA yoga Berlin

  • “il’il is a real healer - working with her has supported my healing journey profoundly. On the spiritual and mental plane, learning from her and being in her presence has unlocked deeper levels of getting in touch with my inner knowing, my purpose and my innate healing powers.” Janina Picard, actor & dreamwork facilitator, Berlin & NYC

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