Healing In The Flow
Experience profound inner stillness that nurtures you on soul level.
step into your role as a healer, to confidently offer in-person and remote healing sessions.
learn to use different healing modalities (inner knowing, the subtle body, the 5 elements).
understand and deal with real-life healing situations (emotional, physical, relational).
gain profound understanding and hands-on experience of distant healing.
practical exercises to prepare you for healing others (including distant healing)
hands-on healing sessions, guiding you through real life healing situations.
in depth discussions of the theory behind Healing in The Flow.
Imagine finding stillness amidst the chaotic tapestry of life, experiencing a profound and transformative inner peace that nurtures you on a soul level….
1. Flow In…
FREE PREVIEW2. Introduction
3. Experience Infinity
4. Let’s dive right in
5. The Field
6. Know Thyself
7. Friend & Foe
8. Oh My Mind
9. On Sleepiness & Dragons
10. Mind & Perceptual Field
11. Hands-On!
12. The Art of Relating
13. Relating In The Flow
14. How healing works
15. Going Deeper
16. Healing in The Flow
17. The Nine Treasures
18. Expansion
19. Inner Knowing
From a simple headache to ancestral trauma - and everything in between: whatever the healer can perceive, they can work on. The deeper goal of healing is to guide the person back to their authentic expression, back to their full potential. All symptoms and conditions are an expression of a blockage of that free and authentic flow.
Absolutely. Develop a meditation practice, repeat the classes in this course until you've mastered them, start offering healing sessions to others to build confidence and gain experience - and join the Healing in The Flow online classes and in-person workshops and retreats.
Healing in The Flow is obviously a new name - the actual healing modality is ancient. It employs a dimension of human consciousness which I call Applied Silence. Applied Silence is a state of highly energized, highly effective Pure Being. It's an absolutely natural state of human consciousness: our original state, if you will - from which we merely got distracted. But there were always those who were aware of this dimension - and who knew how to use it for healing: Yogis, Healers, Seers, Saints and Shamans have been practicing it for millennia, without necessarily calling it by any specific name. Now finally - this mystical healing path is accessible to you.
The course has a progressive structure - but once you’ve completed it, repeat the healing sessions and meditations as many times as you wish. Let them guide and serve you. When you feel comfortable, try offering healing sessions - or integrating what you have learned in the healing sessions that you already offer - without the video guidance. For more hands-on experience, and to get feedback on your progress: join the online healing sessions and share your experience with il’il and the community of healers.
Practice the kriyas and the meditations on a regular basis to consolidate what you've learned in the course. Join the online healing sessions every other Sunday, and for the full immersion - the week long Portugal retreat. Sign up for the newsletter to learn about upcoming events and offers.
In the beginning was the word and the word was spoken: print arrived later on the scene. Then came the gramophone, the radio, the podcast… the 'touch up my appearance' button in the video conferencing app...
Communication has been a fundamental journey in the history of humankind, and innovations appear right on time to serve our expansion: to help connect us together, and to make experience and knowledge accessible.
Then, there's silence.
The most subtle and profound of all human (and divine) communication - silence is behind every word we speak, every sound and every gesture. It’s the cause, the medium and the call - and a most potent cure as well, if you know how to use it.
Used in the service of healing - silence becomes Applied Silence: the heart and soul of the mystical teachings of Healing in The Flow.
These teachings have been around for millennia, they're ancient - but for a very long time they were kept secret. A master would induce the healing state in the presence of a few lucky souls, and that was it. No discussions, no questions asked: pure silence. It’s only recently that my late teacher and possibly others like him started openly sharing the teachings - offering their experience of the healing space.
My own encounter with Healing in The Flow revolutionized my life entirely, and in many ways it still does: day by day and year after year, dimensions upon unimaginable dimensions open up in the perception of those who practice it. Learning and expansion never cease.
That our world needs healing is obvious. But it’s also true to say that these teachings need students. Healing in The Flow, the art of Applied Silence - is a living wisdom that can only evolve in the consciousness of its practitioners.
One thing I knew from the start: elucidating this sacred wisdom and making it accessible to all who wish to learn - will be my life path. I will share these teachings with the world.
And so I did. For years I was traveling, teaching and offering healing sessions. Then in 2020 it all came to a halt. The obvious solution to the restrictions on traveling and gathering was to start teaching it online. It was a scary thought initially. All technological advancements are scary: it’s impossible to fully predict how they'll change our lives. But people needed healing, so I decided to try.
The experience has been transformative - above and beyond my expectations. In fact - this technical solution to a technical problem led to something altogether new and utterly fascinating. Precisely through the online medium, the healing space revealed itself in all of its glory - clearly and purely demonstrating its potency and divine wisdom.
In the online group sessions, we’ve been sharing a spiritual experience of the highest order, healing one another with so much clarity, depth and love. Across different continents and time zones, participants have allowed the space to move them: sometimes literally - sometimes to tears. It’s been an extraordinary journey that I feel incredibly privileged to be witnessing and facilitating.
The obvious next step was to create this video course.
You are here because these teachings have reached you at just the right time.
It is my hope that this work finds all who yearn for it, far and wide - and that it sets the foundation for a worldwide community of healers, joined by a sacred space and a devotion for healing - exchanging their experiences, stories, struggles and joys - and sharing a deep, transformative and healing silence.
The path of healing is an inner journey, a profound odyssey that transcends the boundaries of space and time. At the same time, it is also, always - a pilgrimage: a journey we take not only within ourselves but also toward the realm of the other.
Healing in The Flow forms the bridge between these two fundamental human needs - closing the gap between the timeless inner journey - and our indisputable obligation to heal this world - right here, right now.
It is my goal and vision to make this wisdom and experience accessible.
Let me share it with you.